Monday, July 03, 2006

World does need a Superman

30-06-2006 Superman Returns to the screen and I jumped on the opportunity to see it the same day. Pretty neat effects I would say. But the thing that caught my attention were the lines 'World does not need a Superman' and 'World does need a Superman'.

Who symbolizes to be a Superman? A super human having extra-terrestrial powers, is strong both physically and mentally, courageous, strong will and determination to stop the evil. He rises to the occasion when required the most. And off course he wears a tight suit and has a hair style which never gets out off place even if he flies at the speed of light!!!

We see people around us who we say and idolize as super-humans, they may not possess extra-terrestrial powers but they have got all the other traits that superman has. History and present is full of example of people who have proved them selves to be super-humans showing great grit and commitment, strong will and determination to achieve unthinkable.

People like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa have shown great leadership qualities, high values and principals. There lives have moved and changed lives of billions of people.
In the field of art and music people like Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, Beethoven who despite being hearing impaired wrote the world’s best symphonies. Shakespeare’s writing and plays still stand unparallel from ages. These people have shown dedication and persistence to achieve greatness in their respective field.

In the more present scenario we look around the corporate world we see and hear more super human stories all around. Michael Dell started what is know as 'Americas most admired company' in his hostel room. Lakshmi Mittal born in a very modest family in India is now termed as the 'Steel King'. Steve Job's rise to the glory is nothing less than a super human effort. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet transition to world's richest man is the proof that nothing is impossible if you have strong will to achieve your aim.

Every one has its own different success story, but all have few thing in common; strong faith in themselves, dedication to their work, zeal to go extra mile when it requires, never stopping and never getting tired, keeping the motivation and fire on to achieve what they dreamt off. Fearless of failure and ready to pounce back strongly when faced one.

All these qualities make them special, make them super humans. And world does need these super humans to remind us that superman did not come from a far galaxy but is one of us, there's one inside every one of us.



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