Thursday, June 22, 2006

Rebranding - 'Lets Google it'

Me and my friend Rohit always have these small talks about the world of business and trends. Todays topic was one of my favorite 'GOOGLE'.

Google is my homepage, I use Google mail, Google personalized page, Google Toolbar, Google Earth, Blogger.... and every thing else that comes from it.
I hardly remember using anyother search engine EVER and have this strong feeling that if its not found on Google, maybe its not there on the net at the first place. sOO many times I have felt 'Lucky', and admired the GoOgLe LoGo.

But the thing that always haunted is the gOOgle hOme paGE and search results. You look at the Google home page and everything looks so clean, a page which has less than 50 words on it is the door to all the information on the web. It is in this awe and admiration that we realize that this is the single page which is driving a company worth $80 billion.

What is the shelf life of a mobile phone or your favourite thing that you use every day. May be few months, after that we all get bored of seeing the same thing. But Google homepage has withstood the test of time for so many years that, it still is the best thing on the web you know.
I dont know how many other examples we can find which have such big usage and user base. May be it is this mystery that so may things have been written about it.

Whenever we talk about branding and marketing we always say that every product has a limited life, after that either its End Of Life for it or a complete make over.
Take example of any product in any field be it gadget world of mobile phones, media players, gaming devices, computer hardware, computer operating systems like Windows, Linux all have felt the pressure of the customer to change the product completely or bring in a new product, be it in terms of new look and feel or new features.

But here we hardly see any change happening. Only thing may have changed is the search result ranking or unnoticed features of caluclator and spelling check.
Any change in terms of search that was big and noticed - nothing. We are just relieved to find what we were searching for that too after checking 2 - 3 different results.
Have we as a consumer become less demanding, or have we run out of imagination of what to expect? Or are we looking at a product which has send many marketing theories for rebranding or EOL.
We as users are so loyal that we have made our self resilient to change for our favourite tool and have succumbed to the statement that 'If its not on Google, its not on the Web.'

No doubt the search results are fantastic. The way search results are returned is great. But as a customer(user) dont we want to see more. May be a different presentation of search results, some added information about the results and many more similar things. Many of the competitors are coming with new search algorithms and presentations. Microsoft’s is being marketed big time these days, which gives you categorization based search result, is another example. Though they have a long way to catch up, but then they also cannot be written off the competition completely.

Are we exepcting anything new, I am not sure, but i surely feel that its time for google to deliver a surprise and we fulfill our duty of GooGLing.



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