Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Choice or by Chance?

"We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact."
-Jean-Paul Sartre

How true and cruel the quote is. It’s just a feeling that we want something, we are sure we want it, but what it is, many of us do not know. We keep planning short term goals, but not all are sure of long term ones.
I used to interpret life like: 'Many of the things happen to us by chance and not by choice.' Sometime we just swim with the flow and reach on the side. If waves had taken us on to the other side, we would have found our comfort there. It’s all about chance and finding comfort in the things that have come to us.
Same with our job and career. Many of us never planned our career to be like this. It just happened by chance. We got into a company because we needed some where to start, or it paid better salary and promised good work. We got some work, found our comfort and learning in it and tried to comfort our self. Not many people have answer why they chose a particular company or an industry.

What do we want?
The first and foremost priority is money. Every one wants to cover basic needs and keep something for later safety. May be once we have enough to buy a house, a car - we feel settled.
But Maslows law never let us settle, as once our money needs are satisfied others like Work, Ego, Esteem, Recognition takes over. These needs are the motivational factors as they are the ones which motivate us to 'make things happen by choice and not by chance.'

But then life is also about taking responsibility.What ever it be, even if I achieve something by chance or choice, it becomes my responsbility to be best at it. Sometime we may end up getting more by chance, but then its beacuse we tried for it, and now we have to keep it. Surviving and taking up the challenge, facing and standing for it, is now my accountability and responsibility.

I feel it’s all about planning and executing accordingly. Plan what we want from life. Is it just about work, making money, competition to stay ahead, or is it more to cover dimensions of friends and family, your personal happiness in doing what you always wanted. Planning may make you feel mechanical and not living up the moment, but then its wish to flow or to be in control. Surely life is much more than that, it’s also about living and enjoying.

It takes a lot of courage and determination to look on the other side of the wall and carve our own path. But then that’s life and living it to the complete. May be its all about finding what we want and be responsible for what we are.



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