Monday, January 12, 2009


Morning came by today
full of a surprise
and a feeling so good
waking me to thought
that always float close
Missing You
Dreaming You
Open my eyes and
Hoping to see you


Monday, January 05, 2009

बीतती रात

इक रात देखता रहा तेरी तस्वीर
कमरे के एक कोने में
याद नहीं क्या सोच रहा था
रात के उस सोने में

डर लगा
डर लगा कुछ भूल न जाऊं
इस बीतती रात के अंधेरे में
थोडी देर और देख लूँ
थोड़ा जी और भर लूँ
कहीं यह मुस्कान मिट न जाए
सुबह के कुछ होने से


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

It’s a New Year Day, 1st Jan, 2009, a day to realize how quickly the last year has gone by. And, hoping this year would be much bigger and better than the last. May be all the unfinished business of last year and all that we could not do, will be done this year. Be stronger and motivated to accelerate faster this year.

As I am writing this I started to feel how much a change of a year can do. It feels like a new beginning, a new outlook, a new passion and joy, which can really set the mood for the whole year to come. I think its psychological thing as it serves a point of time which reflects change. But whatever it is, it’s a surely a good point to start what we always wanted to do and have been putting on the back burner the whole last year.

2008 was a great year a turning point surely for me. Found an amazing person to spend my life with (sitting in Cafe Rouge), a whole worth year of waiting, a whole year of being silent, a whole year spend thinking (more inward). Lots of travelling and settling in new places, new friends, doing and picking up new things. It was fun and surely a year to savor.

So this year something new. Something I have never done before. Making some new year resolutions. Here's my list:

1. To make my sweetheart more happier
2. Not to give into any fears, and fight it heads on
3. Better Diet, food habit and exercise
4. To make CarbonFreeZone Blog a reality
5. To be friendlier with new people I meet
6. And, also to keep up with my old friends whom I miss.

I think these are the top 6 I have, may be if something strike me, I will add to the list, else I think if I can manage this, I know I will have a wonderful year on my hands.

Take Care,
