Monday, January 08, 2007


Finally finally, finally after 4 months of mustering courage and 3 no 4 years of carrying the design in my head, I have been finally tattooed. I got an OM symbol with Libra my sun sign on the matra (the tail) of OM.
And life after, it has not changed but does have an amazing feeling, a sense of unexplainable happiness from inside. Probably it’s because of finally getting it or its effect itself, whatever it is I am in trance of eternal bliss right now.

How it started?
Once sitting in my class I designed an OM symbol and just feel in love with it. I had been carving it on my body almost every week with pen sometime blue sometime black, sometime on my wrist, sometime on my shoulder. I had just loved it all along.
In college I had wanted to get it, but not much money and Vitamin C of courage, somehow never got it done.

How the fire started?
6 months back I guess sometime in Aug/Sept 06, Peeyush and I thought of getting a tattoo done. And we both agreed on what we wanted. So, next few weeks went off pretty nice making sure not to raise the topic in front of each other. (I guess we both still lacked courage and were standing by each other just because the other one was standing.)

Oct/Nov 06, I got 2 temporary designs from Delhi, to show it to peeyush. The designs were of Sun and an OM inside, and another with Sun but an ambigram inside of some symbol.
Few more weeks went off making sure to keep the topic off the coffee table again.

31st Dec 06, we finally got the temporary tattoo on our arm, and it was just amazing and the feeling of wearing a “real" looking tattoo was great. More than the feeling it was the final blow on the cage and the tigers broke free.

The Day
7th Jan 2006, morning 11:30 am we found ourselves sitting in a tattoo studio.
I showed the artist the OM design I wanted to have and peeyush showed him what he liked. But they were not complete in themselves, so started the challenge of adding an extra zing to it. 3 hours and going through hundreds of design, blades and ambigrams, angels and dragons with Pink Floyd playing in the backdrop, the task was real challenging.
2:30 pm finally we settled for the designs and 3:30 pm I went down the needle with Echoes playing on the speaker box.
Contrary to all the hyped beliefs of pain it was pretty easy at the end. Though I oozed out a lot of blood, but strangely pain never got over me. And the end result was worth and more than what I had been asking for.

Peeyush here’s to one more feather in our list of craziness.




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